Is dairy good for gut health?

There is a growing body of research surrounding the role of diet and gut health including the role of fermented dairy foods, like kefir and cheese, but most commonly studied dairy product in relation to gut health is yoghurt. Some types of yoghurt have added strains of probiotics (good bacteria), which have been shown to be good for gut health and overall health.

Last updated 17/01/2024

All yoghurt is made by the bacterial fermentation of milk using a variety of live starter cultures. In addition to the starter cultures, some yoghurts also contain added probiotics that have been shown to help with gut health; the most common species being Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Specific strains of these 'friendly' probiotic bacteria can promote intestinal health by restoring the balance between 'good' and 'bad' bacteria in the gut (collectively known as the gut microbiome).1

Specific strains of probiotics, such as the well researched Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (known as LGG), have also shown positive health effects in the digestive system, particularly on lactose intolerance, immunity, allergies and inflammatory bowel disease. 2,3,4 Health benefits of probiotics are unique to the specific strain, so when choosing a yoghurt with added probiotics look at the type of probiotic strain listed on the food label and speak to your health professional for individual advice.

Another important consideration is the quantity of probiotic added to a food; enough so that it can survive the digestive tract and achieve the expect health outcome. Probiotic dosages are measured in CFUs (colony forming units). To make sure you are consuming enough probiotics, check that the yoghurt contains at least 108 CFU per serve.5

Probiotics don’t hang around in the gut, instead they interact with body cells and existing micro-organisms. So to keep benefiting from the health effects, you should consume probiotics on a regular basis. Eating yoghurt with probiotics every day will not only be good for your gut health, but the other nutrients will help to ensure overall good health.

For information about the digestive benefits of yoghurt and other dairy foods visit this page.

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